Mileage: 10 miles
Elevation: 11,500 to 9,800 to 10,800 feet
Segment: completed segment 7 and began segment 8
After our long and exhausting mountain climb, we set up our tent and fell fast asleep. It was hard to get up this morning!
Eventually, we arose from our cocoons and began a downhill knee-aching hike to the base of the valley into the mountain town called Copper Mountain.
It was a beautiful sunny morning. The sun rays beaming at camp are what gets us out of bed. We become instantly defrosted from the night
And you see the top of Pippy's pole? That's the mountain we climbed yesterday. Zippy still can't believe that.
Heading back up the trail again for another climb. Yup, looks like we're heading for another mountain.
Biggest butterfly yet. Have not seen this one before .Happy to have the chance to take this photo. We love the butterflies and the flowers.
Guess who takes most of the photos?
After a long 6 hour day, we come across this beautiful meadow . Scouted out a camp site that had this view from our tent. So cool.. Right?
And here is... PIPPY! She just made us a hot bowl of rice noodle soup with veggies. So good. Check out the bamboo chop sticks. So light and totally worth it.
And then... Another magical night.
This view is looking up from our tent.
Sleep well my friends. Love you Dad, Hannah and Gramma!
Keep up the great attitude! Thank you for sharing your moments of stopping to appreciate the Beauty of nature around you.