Friday, July 11, 2014

Day 6

Wednesday, July 9

Woke up early to the sounds of chattering chipmunks and squawking birds. The morning view of the meadow was surreal. We watched the sun creep over the valley and enjoyed the show of highlighted greenery as the sun moved closer toward our camp.
We managed to start a fire this morning which felt nice and warm . And when the sun hit us,  it was even more amazing. We hung our tent out to dry as it was frosted over from the night.
Breakfast was made and we set off for another unsuspecting day .
Pippy enjoying the pan-cake that we made.. They fell apart but they tasted like they had won an award at a baking contest. The simple foods of life become gourmet in the back country. 

Our mid morning trek across the meadow was met by mr chipmunk on the foot bridge across the steam. He chatted loudly as if he was wishing us another beautiful day. And indeed it was.

Mr. Chippy took the picture

The view behind us is a 6 mile long meadow which we named 'Butterfly Meadow'...
There were hundreds of these happy fluttering butterflies along the trail. They seem to love to sun themselves and that is how we were able to take their picture. 

The wild flowers were equally joyful to look at. Blues, purples, vibrant yellows, delicate pinks, all perfectly put together like it was nature's florist. 

6 miles later, we leave our friendly meadow behind and begin descending down the mountain only to be further awestruck by this magnificent and epic mountain range. It looked like a painting. 
Wow....we know. So cool. You can't buy this image... You have to experience it standing right there at 10,900 feet. And yup, still no jumping jacks here. 

Not long after, Mr. thunder came along. It took us 6.7 seconds to suit ourselves and backpack up in our waterproof armor. And we can't forget the umbrella!

Although wet, rainy, tired feet, sore bodies with humongous appetites, this Colorado trail adventure is truly remarkable. Every step of the way is a new step. 

We finally reached our campsite after counting every tenth of the last mile and engulfing some caffeine energy gel. It was like another enchanted forest all to ourselves by a trickling stream that will soon lull us to sleep. 
Today's mileage totaled 11 miles and we now have trekked exactly 60 miles from Denver! Elevation campsite tonight is at 10,300 feet. It's getting chilly...time to go into our warm cocoons! 


  1. Breathtaking photos (literally). I can only imagine the real beauty of actually being there. Life affirming experience - absolutely .... MaRcia

  2. Hi Marcia , yes, breathtaking in many ways... From huffing and puffing up those mountains to catching yourself saying ahhhh at every rest. Life experience in the mountains is simple beauty .

  3. I'm looking for the"like" button! I "like" it! Cutes pics. Great write up. Hugs!
